Is Real Estate the Right Career Choice for You?

You are obsessed with real estate. I get it. Me too. 

You love to look through the listings and watch the market prices. When your television is on, it's usually tuned to a home renovation or home hunting show. You love interior design and architectural features. You see real estate agents having fun and making a decent living in the process. You might be wondering if you have what it takes to be a successful real estate agent.

I have been teaching real estate for more than 16 years. I’ve seen the market ups and downs and I’ve seen new agents absolutely soar in the business (one of our new agents closed 6 transactions in his first 2 months!), and others who struggle. Let me go over the factors I see that tend to make or break a new agent:

  1. Self Motivation

    It’s simple. Real estate agents are generally independent contractors. They set their own hours, they do their own lead generation. They are their own marketing, customer service, accounting, and management. This is a blessing to some people, and a curse to others. If you are good at scheduling yourself and sticking to a solid business plan, then you have the foundation of what is needed.

  2. Willingness to Adopt Technology

    Using a CRM (customer relationship management system) with a database is essential. Knowing how to set up automated systems so that you can nurture your contacts and keep your tasks on track is no longer a luxury. The technology changes rapidly and agents have to keep up.

  3. Being a People-Person

    Real estate is a relationship business. You aren’t really selling anything - buyers decided they wanted to buy property before they ever talked to an agent. Sellers knew they wanted to sell. Real estate agents are more matchmakers than salespeople. Matchmakers, and so much more. We are problem solvers, fierce protectors of our clients, and master negotiators. The ability to put the interests of the client above all else is essential.

  4. Being a Creative Problem Solver

    No two transactions are the same. Every transaction has issues that come up and must be solved. Every consumer is different. Being able to assess the situation and find creative solutions is part of the job. Everything from furnace and septic issues, to zoning, financing, and scheduling. If you can juggle and solve a wide variety of concerns, then you are in a great position to consider this job.

  5. That Real Estate Spark

    There has to be something about real estate that keeps you passionate about the business. I love helping people to build wealth for themselves and their families. Other agents love old houses. Some love to support small businesses. Motivation that comes from money does not take you very far - there has to be something about the business of real estate that keeps you interested and motivated to keep going. If you are reading this article, you probably have that spark.

Do you have these 5 things? Want to take the next step? CLICK HERE to see our upcoming Real Estate Pre-Licensing classes!